Học tiếng Anh: Why don't you see developers older than 40?

Học tiếng Anh: Why don't you see developers older than 40?

Một bài viết chuyên môn sâu của một lập trình viên bản ngữ (Mỹ), với vốn từ tiếng Anh khá sâu sắc. Rất hữu ích cho các bạn PM, BA và PoC (point of contact).

Why don't you see developers older than 40?

You do. I am.

We’re more expensive, more opinionated and far less gullible than we were at 20. So we’re not quite as easy to pull the wool over our eyes, work for nothing, work 100+ hours due to complete management failure, be falsely blamed or generally be the office suck-up.

Some managers don’t like that. They don’t hire us.

Why don't you see developers older than 40?

But then again, we’ve learned far more design techniques, had more failures, improved more legacy code, and coded for more industry verticals than we did at 20. We are vastly more bang for your buck. The mistakes we do not make pay for themselves many times over.

Some managers love that. Not only do they hire us, but there isn’t even a competition in the interview. We’ve won before we start. When you need experience, only experience will do.

I’ve noticed a weird tendency to assume that a coder over 40 has in some way ‘lost it’, and isn’t as good. This is both incorrect and a bit odd. Doubly so when I read the code of the people who say it! They usually don’t have much to cheer about :)

There does seem to be a degree of ageism in IT, although it’s clearly not as bad as I once feared - because I’m still here in front of the IDE, getting paid.