
Lean Insights - Review the book "The Ten Commandments of Taiichi Ohno", By Yoshihito Wakamatsu

Over-production can lead to various wastes other than inventories. Increasing in-process stock, waste of movement and wastes of transportation all add up quickly. Truly value-added work comes from having just enough of the right material, at the right place, at the right time. This is what Toyota calls “just in time!”

Do More with Less?

“The key to doing more with less isn’t about working longer, faster, or harder,” says Hale. “It’s not about just doing more. It’s about doing more of the right things and finding ways to renegotiate or reprioritize less critical tasks. It’s about working smarter, not harder.”

New Tech Solutions Should Always Tie into the Customer or Client Journey

There has been a lot of disruption in the last two years, but the fundamentals of good service don’t change. Now that the dust has settled from the initial wave of change, take stock to make sure your tech solutions are making life easier for customers and clients.

4 Keys to Improve Collaboration and Alignment

To collaborate more effectively, people must remember that they need to work up, down, and across the organization to drive change. Here are four keys to improving collaboration in your organization that, when implemented effectively, will help your technical support or service management team feel more aligned.

Difference between Set-based development and Point-based development

Set-based design is different than a traditional 'point-based' approach. A point-based design approach commits to a set of requirements and a single design strategy too early in the 'cone of uncertainty'. It often leads to incorrect assumptions and late discoveries that require significant rework.

How Your Business Should Profit of Lean Software Development?


In the era of software- “revolutions” arise monthly. Nevertheless, every once in a while, essential innovations do appear on the web, and it’s difficult for them to trim down through all the clamor to seize your notice.

Therefore, today, we, the TIGO Software teamwill highlight one of them; Lean software development – a groundbreaking methodology that has completely revamped the whole stream of Value in IT and yet, unfortunately, remained unknown to a lot of business

Lean Software Product Development in 4 Phases


Lean Software Product Development in 4 Phases — Scio

When you develop software products in a repeatable, production fashion, you have to step back occasionally and take the long view so you can properly discuss the process with clients. We’ve been involved in that exercise recently and I thought it might be useful to share the what and why of our approach to software product development for online products.

First, there is one basic idea that informs all of this: