Software Quality

Dichotomies in Software Testing: How to be balanced with your thoughts as a QA

In the complex world of software testing, these dichotomies provide diverse approaches to ensure software quality. While each has its strengths and weaknesses, the key lies in selecting the right approach for your project’s unique requirements. Embracing these differences fosters a holistic testing strategy, ultimately resulting in robust and reliable software.

Business-As-Usual (BAU) Testing

As Quality Assurance professionals, many times we used to talk about this term BAU (Business As Usual) Testing. Many of us know exactly what it is, but yet because of the jargon BAU, we may tend to think it is something else. In a typical software life cycle model of Define-Design-Code-Test-Deploy-Maintain-Retire, most of us pre-dominantly get involved in "Test" phase.

What is technical debt? How to escape the black hole of technical debt

Technical debt is the cost of additional work caused by choosing the quickest solution rather than the most effective solution. Though there are times where technical debt is worth it, it’s important that your team understands the positives and negatives of speedy decisions and how to manage rework in an efficient way. In this article, we explain what technical debt is, share techniques to avoid debt, and take a look at how to differentiate between valuable vs. not valuable decisions.