The importance of Scrum values in project management

Fostering Scrum values among project managers can decrease friction, dismantle organizational divisions, encourage accountability, and boost teamwork.

Scrum is a set of tools that helps Agile teams expect and embrace changes that arise during software development projects. To equip teams for success, Scrum includes a set of operating values that help team members work together, improving collaboration and problem-solving and reducing project timelines.

Scrum values provide a code of ethics and behavioral guidelines for teams to interact. When members embody the values of Scrum individually and collectively for decision-making, collaboration, and the work in general, they build trust and respect.

Project managers who nurture Scrum values reduce conflict, break down silos, promote responsibility, and increase collaboration. Jira Software is purpose-built for software teams and fosters Scrum values.

What are the 5 Scrum values?

The five Scrum values are commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect. These values give Agile teams the foundation to work together successfully and meet project goals. Using these values for decision-making throughout the project life cycle ultimately supports the Scrum pillars of transparency, inspection, and adaptation.


Scrum teams work together as a unit. This requires trust that each member commits to the sprint planning process and the overall success of the customer and business. Members show commitment by scaling their work to their ability to meet the team’s expectations instead of accepting unrealistic timelines and tasks.


Innovation takes courage, and real product breakthroughs happen when members are comfortable being bold. Courage comes in many forms and can be as simple as saying no to unrealistic requests. Project managers who encourage honest discussions and address challenges transparently during sprint reviews motivate team members and foster continuous improvement.


Delivering quality sprints on time requires focus. Jira Software helps project managers minimize distractions. Scrum tools keep teams focused on sprint goals and the highest priority work to consistently achieve project objectives.


Scrum members must communicate honestly to ensure project success. Openness helps teams identify problems, work toward solutions, and value everyone’s contribution. A foundation for transparent communication encourages sharing successes, evaluating setbacks, and discussing insights while ensuring team engagement.


Dealing with different perspectives is part of teamwork. Nurturing team respect requires an active commitment to value individual differences and varied perspectives to explore challenges and collaborate on solutions. Diversity results in more ideas, leading to better problem-solving, and teams that feel respected and empowered are more likely to share their ideas, fostering positivity.

Integrating Scrum values into the Scrum framework

The Scrum framework includes events, Scrum roles, and Scrum artifacts such as the product backlog, sprint backlog, and sprint increments. Scrum values provide teams with an agreed-upon, cohesive approach to the actions associated with the framework. This includes generating ideas, prioritizing tasks, and solving problems.

Benefits of using Scrum values

Scrum values support Agile development teams in various ways, including:

  • Better collaboration: Openness, courage, and respect encourage members to share ideas, identify roadblocks, and listen to differing perspectives. When teams value each other’s contributions, they find the best solutions.
  • Improved adaptability: Commitment and focus allow teams to reduce outside distractions. With less noise, teams can quickly identify and solve real issues that threaten the project.
  • Increased product quality: The courage to speak up improves quality and prevents dissatisfied customers, frazzled team members, and disappointed stakeholders. Better collaboration and focus promote the best ideas and keep projects on track for delivery.

Scrum values vs. Scrum principles

Scrum values guide human interactions, while project managers use the following Scrum principles to apply the Scrum framework:

  • Empirical process control: Scrum teams move quickly and without detailed project plans. Team members may track tasks but not tdetails of the work. Empirical process control promotes transparency so teams can inspect problems as they arise and adapt solutions more quickly and accurately.
  • Self-organization: Scrum teams organize independently around creativity and innovation, which fosters shared ownership.
  • Time-boxing: By allocating a specific time to each Scrum activity, project planning and execution become predictable and efficient.
  • Value-based prioritization: Prioritizing tasks based on their value to the customer and the business makes it easier for team members to accept and adjust to changes in priorities.
  • Collaboration: At the heart of successful Scrum teams is collaboration. Scrum values support collaboration at their core, especially for problem-solving.
  • Iterative development: Iterative development is the process of continuously reviewing customer needs and developing new features that provide ongoing value. The Scrum framework breaks complex projects into smaller features that deliver value to the customer.

How to apply Scrum values in project management

Project management in a Scrum environment can be highly rewarding because it enriches human interactions, even in rapid-paced environments. 

For example, when team members segregated into silos apply Scrum values, they begin to see each other as human beings rather than units of work. This leads to collaboration and soliciting each other’s input. A highly engaged team that values each other’s perspectives and ideas can identify and resolve problems before they impact the schedule or the customer. However, project managers must actively foster these values.

Jira Software provides tools for collaboration with visual idea sorting and task tracking, always-up-to-date schedules, and product roadmaps. Jira Scrum templates help break down and prioritize the work, prevent blockers, keep the team focused, and manage Scrum sprints to success.

Embrace Scrum values with Jira Software

Scrum values bring teams together in an environment of mutual respect and commitment. Effective project management uses tools that leverage these values. 

Jira Software’s collaborative and visual approach to project management seamlessly incorporates Scrum values into projects. The software supports these values at every step of the workflow, from refining the backlog and planning the sprint to launching the project. Jira Software is purpose-built for and ranked #1 by Agile software development teams.

Scrum values: Frequently asked questions

How do Scrum values contribute to project success?

Scrum values provide teams with the tools to improve collaboration through respect, leading to better problem-solving. Focused and committed teams quickly identify roadblocks, generate ideas, and find solutions. When members have the courage to speak up and ask for help, teams avoid overcommitting and missing deadlines. Each Scrum value supports project success.

How do Scrum values impact the role of a Scrum master?

The Scrum master often has the nickname “servant leader” because they facilitate the Scrum framework and coach team members through the process while promoting a culture of continuous improvement. Ideally, teams that adopt Scrum values become fully self-directed, and the Scrum master’s role can be very hands-on—guiding the process—or very light—simply scheduling Scrum ceremonies.

Why are Scrum values important for Agile development?

Like Scrum, Agile development includes a set of principles, such as satisfying the customer, welcoming change, frequently delivering value, and working together collaboratively. 

Scrum values support Agile methodologies by placing the importance of human interactions at the center of the work. Agile teams that adopt the Scrum values have greater empathy for the customer and a better understanding of the user stories at the heart of each sprint. This naturally drives products with greater value for the customer.
