Doing the right things or doing the things right?

Doing the right things or doing the things right?

English is really a funny language. One word here and there and your get contrasting angles to look at. Let’s consider the next statement for just a moment. Doing Things Right Vs Doing the Right Things.Tactical thinkers tend to focus on “doing things right,” and strategic thinkers are concerned with “doing the right things.” If you do something “right,” but it’s the wrong thing to do, your efforts will be futile. Conversely, if you do the “right thing,” but you do it wrong, you’ll also fail miserably.

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before the defeat” – Sun Tzu

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before the defeat” – Sun Tzu

In order to be a great leader, you should be aware of the right things to do, rather than the procedures and processes. Doing things right basically isn’t the best way to do things because one will be just following a procedure, while as doing the right things generally aims at identifying and modifying efficiency and effectiveness of a company, it generally aims at providing the necessary results of an action taken, if something is wrong, doing the right thing can make wrong doers, wrong things being done or any mischievous acts being carried out in a company to be put forward for better attention.

In many cases, doing things right is just another way of taking the easy way out, or focusing on short term goals. And because of this, many employees prefer to do just this, alone. However you’ll find that doing the right thing means having the great character and confidence to stand for what you believe. In doing this, you will see that you become a more ethical person.

We always have a choice to make and the choice we make, defines that we are really doing the right thing !!

Frequenly Asked Questions

Who said doing things right or doing the right things?

“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” ~ Peter Drucker.

Which does efficiency answer doing the right things or doing the things right?

“Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things”.

Should people care more about doing the right thing or doing things right?

Both. You should do the right things, and you should do them right, which means you do them to the best of your ability. When is it time to do the right thing and admit it? The minute you know you are wrong.

Is doing the right thing when no one is watching you, true or false?

One of the most important character traits a man can possess is moral integrity. Integrity is what you do when no one is watching; it's doing the right thing all the time, even when it may work to your disadvantage. Integrity is keeping your word.

Is it ever wrong to do the right thing?

As usual, Mark Twain got right to the heart of the matter: “you're never wrong for doing the right thing.” But I would add that doing the right thing often takes great courage and integrity. When I think about crucial leadership qualities, courage and integrity top the list.
