Smart Solutions

What is the Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom (DIKW) Pyramid?

The DIKW Pyramid represents the relationships between data, information, knowledge and wisdom. Each building block is a step towards a higher level - first comes data, then is information, next is knowledge and finally comes wisdom. Each step answers different questions about the initial data and adds value to it. The more we enrich our data with meaning and context, the more knowledge and insights we get out of it so we can take better, informed and data-based decisions.



Hopefully, as a reader of our blog, you have had the chance to take a look at some of our previous  posts that we have published for our development colleagues. We have a review of Apache Kafka and series on building a RESTFul API & UI Apps with Java. In this post, we are looking to help reduce time working with ASP.NET Boilerplate.

For our exercise, consider the following features and ask yourself how much time you think it would take to architect a .NET Web Application...

What is Usability Testing?


Usability testing is the practice of testing how easy a design is to use with a group of representative users. It usually involves observing users as they attempt to complete tasks and can be done for different types of designs. It is often conducted repeatedly, from early development until a product’s release.

Its about catching customers in the act, and providing highly relevant and highly contextual information.

 Paul Maritz, CEO at Pivotal

How Your Business Should Profit of Lean Software Development?


In the era of software- “revolutions” arise monthly. Nevertheless, every once in a while, essential innovations do appear on the web, and it’s difficult for them to trim down through all the clamor to seize your notice.

Therefore, today, we, the TIGO Software teamwill highlight one of them; Lean software development – a groundbreaking methodology that has completely revamped the whole stream of Value in IT and yet, unfortunately, remained unknown to a lot of business

The Keys to Lean Communication – Improving the Process


Communication is something we do for most of the day in our personal and professional lives; yet most of us work on it less than our other skills. We’re taught about proper communication all through school and even into our college education. We’ve all been in a classroom where the teacher has stressed the importance of clear communication. Most of us have heard the idea “listening is the most important part of communication;” but how many of us continue to work on our communication skills as an ongoing process?