Quality Management

Dichotomies in Software Testing: How to be balanced with your thoughts as a QA

In the complex world of software testing, these dichotomies provide diverse approaches to ensure software quality. While each has its strengths and weaknesses, the key lies in selecting the right approach for your project’s unique requirements. Embracing these differences fosters a holistic testing strategy, ultimately resulting in robust and reliable software.

Why does Test Scenario save time and money than Test Case?

The test case is just a document that is detailed which provides details about the assessment method, testing process, preconditions, and anticipated output. The test Scenarios is just a document that is detailed which provides details about the assessment method, testing process, preconditions, and anticipated output.

The Kaizen Approach to Software Development


The technology industry works on a continuously evolving mechanism, with new advancements every day. While many product development companies are more focused on producing results, a few actually believe in the importance of creative practices in the organization.

The Japanese word ‘kaizen’ means a business philosophy of continuous improvement is working practices. A healthier practice is for businesses to invest in the improvement of the process and people rather than the end product, which is bound to give better results.