
Dichotomies in Software Testing: How to be balanced with your thoughts as a QA

In the complex world of software testing, these dichotomies provide diverse approaches to ensure software quality. While each has its strengths and weaknesses, the key lies in selecting the right approach for your project’s unique requirements. Embracing these differences fosters a holistic testing strategy, ultimately resulting in robust and reliable software.

Business-As-Usual (BAU) Testing

As Quality Assurance professionals, many times we used to talk about this term BAU (Business As Usual) Testing. Many of us know exactly what it is, but yet because of the jargon BAU, we may tend to think it is something else. In a typical software life cycle model of Define-Design-Code-Test-Deploy-Maintain-Retire, most of us pre-dominantly get involved in "Test" phase.

Why does Test Scenario save time and money than Test Case?

The test case is just a document that is detailed which provides details about the assessment method, testing process, preconditions, and anticipated output. The test Scenarios is just a document that is detailed which provides details about the assessment method, testing process, preconditions, and anticipated output.

What is UnitTest?


Unit testing is often talked about in software development, and is a term that I've been familiar with during my whole time writing programs. Like most software development terminology, however, it's very ill-defined, and I see confusion can often occur when people think that it's more tightly defined than it actually is.


Usability Testing Vs. User Testing – Why it is important?


In the world of software and application development, there is often some confusion when it comes to usability testing vs user testing. Even experienced product owners, VPs of Technology and CIOs, and developers often confuse these two concepts.

So, in this article, we’ll break down the difference between user testing and usability testing – and explain why each one is important.

User Testing Is Need-Based: Does The User Need To Use My App?

Fall 2021: Advanced training for Automated Testing Engineer

TIGO is a company providing QA/QC services with high quality, thanks to an experienced team in outsourcing with 2 main markets: Japan and Europe. While Europe is more about stylish products, Japan focuses on durability, less defects. Our recipe is a trade-off between these 2 markets.

Software Testing Basics: Types of Bugs and Why They Matter

Tatiana singles out common types of software bugs and explains how proper bug classification can help improve the testing process. Read on for some bug classification best practices and start using them in your project. And if you feel like you need more in-depth testing help, be welcome to consider ScienceSoft’s offer in software testing.